[Desktop Wallpaper] Hình nền Lịch tháng 06-2011

321Dzô.Com xin giới thiệu Bộ Sưu Tập Desktop Wallpaper Hình nền Lịch tháng 06-2011. Tháng này với rất nhiều hình rất đẹp. Các bạn tải về phần size phù hợp với Desktop của mình. Luôn có 2 chọn lựa là có Lịch và Không Có Lịch.

Winding Ribbons

“What goes around comes around.” Designed by Corporate 3 Design from USA.

Winding Ribbons 15 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Colourful Summer

“”Have a joyful summer filled with colours of fun.” An unique circle patterns of bright vivid colours to represent the fun of summer time,joyful holidays and happiness.” Designed by Divya from United Kingdom.

Colourful Summer 39 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Fancy Schmancy

Designed by Pietje Precies from The Netherlands.

Fancy Schmancy 72 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

June Gloom

“June Gloom on a California day.” Designed by Brandi Kenney from USA.

June Gloom 62 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

In Love For Violet

Designed by Stylova.com from Poland.

Orchid 75 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Paradise Lost Island

“Paradise Lost Island With Vintage Texture ! Every desktop resolutions listed by smashing mag (from 640×480 to 2560Ч1600).” Designed by Benoit Chartron from France.

Paradise Lost Island in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Abstract Bird

“Abstract art of parrot ready for welcome to rain.” Designed by Chandrakant Bagade, Banglore. from India.

Play With Color 38 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011


“June brings monsoon in India. Here people are very exited & wait for monsoon. So I decided to bring into attention, the joy of monsoon in Indian Subcontinent. The term was first used in English in British India (now India, Bangladesh and Pakistan) and neighbouring countries to refer to the big seasonal winds blowing from the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea in the southwest bringing heavy rainfall to the area.” Designed by Jitendra Kushwaha from India.

Monsoon 51 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011


“The devastation in Japan as a result of the tsunami’s been enormous. As a tribute, I thought I’d create this piece.” Designed by Umer Tahir from Canada.

Prevail 75 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011


“I don’t know about you, but silence is truly a privilege for me. With so much activity, day in and day out, I really needed something to help keep my sanity on track. Looking at that glorious green grass just takes me away into the calm, and I hope this will do wonders for you too!” Designed by Daily Overview from Malaysia.

Serenity 43 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Poppy Summer

“Poppy flowers all around are announcing the upcoming Summer. A walk in a field of wheat call to mind smells and colors from the past.” Designed by Ester Liquori from Italy.

Poppy Summer 91 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011


“Simple fresh calendar with flower design.” Designed by Patrik Bartas from Slovakia.

Flowers 84 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Hirundo Tailcoat

“How did the swallow got its split tail? Estonians say that it laughed itself hard to split the tail.” Designed by Olivia Osik from Estonia.

Hirundo Tailcoat 54 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Dearest Daddykins

“Dads have always been pillars of support at home and working hard outside, all just to provide comfort to their families. Here is a tribute to my dad, who always waits up for me no matter how late I return home, and always making sure that the apple of his eye has more than enough in every way. Happy Daddykins’ Day.” Designed by Melissa Chew from Singapore.

Dearest Daddykins 66 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Ella Eh? Eh? Eh?

“Umbrellas & Rain, Grey Background, with June Calendar.” Designed by Cary Apel from USA.

Ella 14 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Be The Best Of Whatever You Are

“A wonderful poem about being the best at whatever you do. I hope you enjoy the inspirational words of wisdom that this poetry (Douglas Malloch) has to offer. Happy june from Italy.” Designed by Maurizio Malagoli from Italy.

Be The Best 71 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Colorful June

“Summer is coming and we are surrounded by vivid colors.” Designed by Simona Gosu from Romania.

Colorful June 12 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Summer Solstice In Stonehenge

“Every June 21st, people gather in Stonehenge to celebrate to Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year. So, if you’re in the area, go and celebrate, and if not, just download the wallpaper and enjoy the coming summer.” Designed by Ron Gilad from Israel.

Summer Solstice In Stonehenge 92 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Fishing Pirate

“Summer it’s good time for fishing.” Designed by Cheloveche.ru from Russia.

Fishing Pirate 33 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Free Sheeping

“I’ve got this idea when i was shopping on eBay and i decided to sketch first and then illustrate it.” Designed by Almog Shemesh from Israel.

Free Sheeping 2 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011


Designed by Marc Thiele from Germany.

Butterfly 92 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011


Designed by Mariбn Иepa from Slovakia.

Sunrising 94 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Evening Beach

“Photo taken at a beach in Lithuania.” Designed by Jasmina B. from Estonia.

Evening Beach 3 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011


“Funny Alien Illustration created by Nickolay Stanev.” Designed by Nickolay_stanev from Bulgaria.

Hello World 25 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

Apple June

Designed by Anatoly Moskaltsov from Russia.

Apple June 74 in Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2011

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